Some Motivation, Why We Are Engineers:
Basic Actions of Problem Solving:
Understanding the problem
Simulation can be very useful to help understand what factors are important.
Generate possible solutions to the problem
The solutions that the designer can come up with is very dependent on the designer experience and knowledge.
Evaluate solutions
Simulation can provide very valuable insights during design evaluation.
Decide which solution is best.
Designer must perform comparisons between problem formulation and design evaluation results.
Inverse Kinematics Using Adams:
Digital reverse engineering
Drive 0 DOF mechanisms and measure the forces required to cause motion.
Forward Kinematics Using Adams:
Design Evaluation
Replace ideal motions and find the actual performance of mechanism.
Design Updates to Door:
Model Updates:
Make rigid door flexible
Contact between wall and door
Contact between door and door stopper
Ideal door opening motion
Parameterise door model
Why Add Flexible Parts to Your Models:
Better loading predictions
Flexible component is the focus
Question: What is the system doing to my component?
Improved model fidelity
Model performance is the focus
Question: What is the flexible component doing to my system?
Forces in Adams:
Single Component Force
Runtime direction
Action only
Single Component Torque
Runtime direction
action only
Torque vector
Force Vector
General Force
Impact Contact in Adams:
Ideal rigid body contact:
Infinitely stiff
No damping
Impact contact uses a penalty method to approximate ideal rigid body contact.
Nonlinear stiffness
Linear damping with displacement based smoothing function
Use Hertz contact to approximate contact stiffness.
For damping, ensure that contact bodies penetrate sufficiently, to reach specified Cmax.
Function Builder Overview:
Function builder is used to help the user define mathematical functions in Adams.
There are two function builder modes, and the functions the user has access to depends on the current mode.
Expression mode: Used for parameterisation and design study functions.
Run time mode: Used to define functions that are evaluated during a simulation.
To access the function builder:
In run time mode
Right click and select function builder
Use '...' button
In expression mode
Right click -> parameterise -> expression builder
Getting help with functions:
Read function description at bottom of function builder
Adams/Solver help -> functions
Populating function requirements:
Type in required values
Use the assist feature
Insert object data tool
Important information:
Adams is not case sensitive on windows
To specify powers use '**' (e.g. 2^2 = 2**2 in Adams)
Simulation time = time
Pi = pi
Adams solver assumes radians unless otherwise specified.
Trouble shooting functions:
Use verify to check function syntax
Use plot feature to ensure function produces intended results
Design Variables:
Define independent parameters that can be tied to objects
Used during DOE's and optimisation studies
Step Function:
Aproximates an ideal mathematical step
Used to switch quantities on or off
Step( x , x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 )
x - independent variable
x1 - initial value of independent variable
f1 - initial step function value
x2 - final value
f2 - final step function value
Note: x1 < x2
Spline Functions:
The model may require the use of catalogue or test data:
Empirical data from suppliers:
Nonlinear compliances
Curves for torque v.s. motor speed
Measured data:
accelerometer data
tyre lateral force a a function of lateral slip
This data can be incorporated using a spline and one of the two interpolation functions:
Cubic-fitting method: CUBSPL
Akima-fitting mehod: AKISPL
The Akima spline function:
Syntax: AKISPL(x, z, spline,iord)
x - Independent variable
z - Optional second independent variable (set to 0 if not used)
Spline - Name of spline containing required characteristic
iord - order of the interpolated point (usually = 0)
Displacement Functions:
Sensors and Simulation Scripts:
Deactivating a joint based on its reaction force, by using a sensor and a simulation script.
Design Studies:
Trial and error method:
Design Study:
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