Simulation Based Design - Lecture 1

Simulation Driven Design

What all Industries have in Common:

Whether it be Aerospace, Defence, Automotive, Transportation, Machinery, Mining Equipment, Mining Processes, Consumer products or Nuclear and Energy, these technologies help engineers to solve difficult problems.

Analysis Solution Options: Structural Analysis Solutions

structural analysis soltutions

Analysis Solution Options: Topology Optimization

Figure 1: Topology Optimization

Figure 1: Topology Optimization

Get started learning how to do Topology Optimization

Analysis Solution Options: Fluid Structure Interaction

Figure 2: Fluid Structure Interaction

Figure 2: Fluid Structure Interaction

Analysis Solution Options: Multi-Body Dynamics

Figure 3: Multi-Body Dynamics

Figure 3: Multi-Body Dynamics

Get started learning Adams

Analysis Solution Options: Computational Fluid Dynamics

Analysis Solution Options: Discrete Element Modelling

Analysis Solution Options: Computer Aided Design

Figure 4: Computer Aided Design

Figure 4: Computer Aided Design

Analysis Solution Options: Systems Simulation

Figure 5: System Simulation

Figure 5: System Simulation 1

Figure 6:

Figure 6:System Simulation 2

Analysis Solution Options: Plant Simulation & Design of manufacturing

Analysis Solution Options: Test & Measurement

Figure 7: Test and Measurement

Figure 7: Test and Measurement

Simulation Driven Design: Free Resources

Figure 8: Free Simulation Resources

Figure 8: Free Simulation Resources

Figure 9:

Figure 9:Free Simulation Resources

Figure 10:

Figure 10: Free Simulation Resources

Simulation Driven Design: Product Life Cycle

Figure 11: Product Life Cycle

Figure 11: Product Life Cycle

Simulation Driven Design: Build Your Own Maserati


Figure 12: Build your own Maserati

Figure 12: Build your own Maserati

Simulation Driven Design: Potential Project



Potential Project: 8x8 Vehicles

Figure 15: 8x8 Vehicles

Figure 15: 8x8 Vehicles


Potential Project: Design a Softball Pitching Machine



Simulation Driven Design: Design Cycle: Simulation Driven Design



Simulation Driven Design: Remember


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