SIMTEQ Newsletter August 2023

Product of the month
The art of engineering
New releases
Tips & Training

As the end of the year is speeding closer, we look back at the excellent work shared by our customers at our annual Users' Conference held last month and are looking forward to the Cape Town event next.

Message of the day: Don't let commercial and egotistical pressure overwhelm engineering excellence. May the Titan disaster be a stark reminder of what that means.

Gerrit Visser shares an excellent piece on MSC Nastran, our product of the month and this every day, quietly excellent, unsung hero of structural and other analyses.

And from tragedy to engineering achievement, we applaud India's lunar landing this month, making them the fourth country to achieve this.

Since it was third quarter software release time, we saw a host of new product releases and we share the highlights of these from Adams, Adams Modeler, CAEfatigue, MaterialCenter and Odyssee.

Don’t miss our handy MSC Apex tip this month on how to easily create a weld section and lastly, as the end of the year is closing in, remember to book your scheduled training for Patran/Nastran, Structure Mechanics, Cradle and FEA fundamentals.

Looking forward to Spring Day!

Managing Director


On 27 July, SIMTEQ Engineering hosted its 4th successful Users’ Conference at the CSIR’s International Convention Centre. The event built on the success of the previous years and excellent presentations were given by our expert users.

The event was opened by SIMTEQ Managing Director, Paul Naudé, emphasizing the crucial role engineers play in modern-day innovation and manufacturing. Looking back at the Titan tragedy, Paul motivated engineers to always preserve engineering excellence and responsibility above deadlines and negligence. Long-term business success is ultimately grown by quality, innovation and responsibility towards humanity and the environment.

Interesting facts of the 2023 Users Conference:

  • 3rd consecutive year of 100+ attendees (as SIMTEQ Users Conference)
  • 30 different companies were represented, from more than 10 different industries
  • 8 Industry presentations
  • 3 Hexagon | MSC Software presentations
  • Net Promoter Score of 54

The event was also attended by a Hexagon representative for the first time since lockdown. Marco VELTRI, a 25-year CAE veteran from MSC Software educated attendees on the latest simulation developments and what it means for our users. He also presented on his field of expertise, fatigue, and how Hexagon’s CAEfatigue could assist engineers in designing robust, reliable products.

This year’s conference was exceptional regarding the presentations of our users. Thorough, technically insightful explanations by our clients of their CAE applications were the golden line throughout the day. We’d like to congratulate all of our presenters on their engineering skills and passion.

Michiel Heyns (Investmech)

Ryan Raubemheimer (ADG Mobility)

Bongeka Magwasa (Transnet Engineering)

Schalk Els (University of Pretoria)

CP Kloppers (North-West University)

Hubert van der Merwe (eNtsa)

Duwan Bester (CSIR)

Martin Venter (Stellenbosch University)

SIMTEQ Engineering would like to extend our thanks to all of the presenters. We are proud to be associated with you!

We would also like to thank all of the attendees. We value the presence of each and every individual. The event would not have been successful without every one of you. We are truly privileged to host the event each year and to bring 100+ together in one venue.

SIMTEQ Engineering Cape Town Tech-Day

Join us at SIMTEQ Engineering's Cape Town Tech-Day to delve into the capabilities of Hexagon | MSC Software's MSCOne. Discover how this tool can enhance your engineering business's competitiveness in today's landscape. Our team of experts will be on hand to provide insights and guidance.

MSC Nastran

Solver of choice for everyday use / Quietly Excellent / The Unsung Hero

Some Finite Element Analysis (FEA) solvers specialize in solving models that happen to be visually exciting to see the results – Impact analysis, detailed progressive failure of composites or crack propagation with remeshing comes to mind.

However, these advanced analyses tend to be the exception rather than the norm for most structural engineers. Most structural analyses are either linear or mildly nonlinear – Structural Codes often require stress levels below yield for a range of overload conditions. Thus, no material nonlinearity, no geometric nonlinearity, and maybe some contact nonlinearity. It is these bread-and-butter analyses that some of the MSC Nastran strengths really shine through.

That does not mean Nastran cannot perform some very impressive nonlinear analyses. However, since linear or mildly nonlinear analyses are the most common, here are some of the capabilities of MSC Nastran that makes it dominant in the market for these kinds of analyses.

Large model support

Nastran has been written to use memory efficiently, allowing large models to be solved on smaller computers. This is done by using the computer’s disk(s) to write temporary information that is not needed a lot. This is important because even the fastest Solid-State Drives (SSD) today are a lot less expensive than memory (RAM) – a computer with 2 TB RAM would cost well over R 1 000 000, but a 2 TB SSD a couple of thousand Rand.

However, if more memory is available, MSC Nastran will use more memory and less disk, thereby speeding up the run automatically. This allows running very large models on a more budget-oriented workstation in a reasonable amount of time.

Modal analysis

A modal analysis is an important analysis to determine some dynamic characteristics of a structure. It can be used to determine whether a static analysis can be used even if a time-varying load is present, what the timestep size should be for a transient analysis or as the input to a modal transient or modal frequency response.

MSC Nastran has a very robust Lanczos modal extraction method which works well when only a handful of modes are required. It also works well for a larger number of modes, but at some point, it is overtaken by the Automated Component Modal Synthesis (ACMS) method which can solve thousands of modes on structures with millions of nodes in a significantly shorter time than other methods are able to. It is also extremely parallelizable, solving efficiently on tens or hundreds of cores.

Linear transient analysis

Whether using modal transient or direct transient methods, the implementation in MSC Nastran is very efficient. The problem with direct transient is the crazy amounts of data generated – it is possible to generate results that would exceed Terabytes in size.

The modal transient method, sometimes referred to as classical dynamics, on the other hand, solves an approximate model and is very efficient at solving long durations with many timesteps. The results can be a lot less as well while still fully describing the stress state for the whole model by writing out only the modal results and the modal coordinates as a function of time. This method lends itself well to performing a fatigue calculation of the transient model.

MSC Nastran does modal transient analyses especially well by combining the ACMS modal extraction method (for efficient modal extraction) with the residual vector method which augments the modes with additional shapes which dramatically improves the approximation. Software that does not use residual vectors often requires an obscene number of modes to get to an equivalent approximation quality.

Frequency response analysis

MSC Nastran supports both the direct- and modal-method to perform a frequency response analysis. Performing a modal frequency response analysis in MSC Nastran has multiple advantages – The efficient ACMS modal extraction method combined with residual vectors results in a faster and more accurate solution than when using software that does not have either ACMS or residual vectors.

One additional advantage of the modal frequency method in MSC Nastran is that it allows very flexible methods to specify the frequencies at which to perform a calculation: Any combination of specific frequencies, linear or logarithmic distributions, combined with methods to add additional frequencies at every mode in a range as well as spreading some additional frequencies close to each mode. This last option allows capturing the response at every mode as well as the shape of the curve surrounding each mode.

Buckling Analysis

Buckling analysis is the last of the linear analysis types. MSC Nastran’s ability to run large models efficiently combined with the robust eigenvalue extraction methods allows effortless setup and solution of buckling analysis.

Other analysis types

The focus of this page is the multiple important features that might seem small or even insignificant, yet they improve the accuracy and performance of linear analysis performed in MSC Nastran. It would be remiss not to add a note about some of the additional more advanced types of analysis that MSC Nastran is capable of. The following briefly lists some of these analysis types or features available in MSC Nastran:

  • Nonlinear Static and Nonlinear Dynamic analysis with any combination of:
    • Geometric (Large strain, large deformation, and follower loads)
    • Material (plasticity, hyperelasticity etc.)
    • Contact
  • Capable contact algorithms. A few of the Contact Algorithm capabilities include:
    • Touching contact without/with friction.
    • Permanent glued contact and breaking glue.
    • First and/or second order elements can be used in the same analysis.
    • Beams, shells, and solids can touch each other.
    • Geometric (complex surfaces) contact bodies are allowed and can be touched by any elements (beams, shells, or solids)
    • Contact Body based contact:
      • Elements belong to a Contact Cody.
      • Contact Bodies can touch other Contact Bodies (no need to define contact regions)
    • Splined contact to smooth the contact faces of curved regions in the mesh. Used for accurate solution when using first order elements in curved regions.
  • Optimization
    • Multiple loadcase types (e.g., static, dynamic, modal etc.) can be combined in one run, each with its own design constraints (e.g., stress limits, displacement limits etc.)
    • Works even with millions of design variables (a requirement for topology optimization).
    • Manual setup is available, as well as automated methods like topology and topography optimization.
  • Acoustic analysis
  • Explicit time integration analysis combining structural and fluids (such as crash or blast-protection analysis).
  • Local remeshing to improve accuracy in regions without requiring remeshing in the preprocessor.
  • Embedded fatigue calculation capabilities to output fatigue life. Can be used in conjunction with the optimization algorithm to set minimum fatigue life.

Chandrayaan-3’s Moon Landing

In this month's 'Art of Engineering', we celebrate the recent lunar triumph of India's Chandrayaan-3 mission. This awe-inspiring achievement showcases the true artistry of engineering, where science and innovation merge to overcome formidable challenges. Landing on the moon, an endeavor that only a select few nations have mastered, is a testament to the precision, creativity, and dedication of engineers. Beyond national pride, it exemplifies how engineering, as an art form, shapes the future of space exploration, offering limitless possibilities and inspiring generations to dream beyond the stars.

Adams 2023.2

Adams 2023.2 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Click here to learn about What’s New in Adams 2023.2.

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is pleased to announce Adams 2023.2. This release provides several new features and improvements including:

ACar settings management tool

Provide the ability to manage Adams Car settings from a GUI instead of manual editing of configuration/ environment variables
Gear AT: Multi-gear shafts

Supports geared systems having multiple gears on a single shaft
Adams Solver Export to .mat

The Adams solver can now directly generate ,mat file from an execution
Allow Additional Files when Building FMUs

FMU creation has been enhanced to let theuser include arbitrary files in the fmu.
Warnings & Errors Now Color-Coded

Warning & Error messages in the Message Window in are now displayed using different colors
FE Part Solver Support for Adams Linear
FE Parts are now supported in Adams Linear. Numerical and graphical results supported
Adams Modeler 2023.2

Adams Modeler 2023.2 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Click here to learn about What’s New in Adams Modeler 2023.2.

Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence is pleased to announce Adams Modeler 2023.2. This release provides several new features and improvements including:


Provides support for three Adams fore objects: VForce, VTorque, and GForce

Contact force properties can now be stored in a referenceable contact property set object
CAEfatigue 2023.1

CAEfatigue 2023.1 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Some main highlights of this release include:  

  • New Histogram of Rainflow Cycle Counting:
    • DISPLAY HISTOGRAM: CAEfatigue introduces a powerful time domain Rainflow Cycle Counting (RCC) feature, enabling 3D plot visualization of arbitrary time histories. 
    • DISPLAY TIME-HISTORY: Combine any 3D RCC plot with its corresponding peak valley time history to identify the most damaging cycles as range pairs.
  • New Virtual Strain Gauge capability: 
    • Strain Gauge correlation:  Enables a direct correlation between measured strain histories obtained from resistance strain gauges and predicted strain histories from finite element models. 
    • Simulated strain gauges are accurately applied to the surface of the FE model, mirroring the positions of real strain gauges on the physical component.  Simply click and drag to move and rotate the virtual strain gauge as needed
  • New DSP Calculator for Digital Signal Processing: 
    • Advanced Time History Manipulation: Utilize the intuitive calculator-type interface of DSP to manipulate time histories.
    • Channel Modification and Export: Easily modify individual or multiple time signal channels loaded from an input file, and export the modified data into a new file.
  • Solver and GUI enhancements
    • Extended Nastran H5 support (Sol400 transient, SDISP, multiple H5 in SOL101 and relative response calculation)
    • Option for smaller CSV output and capability to filter output columns in H3D writer
    • Improved GUI for NEF (NEFGUI) with ease of use, integration and postprocessing.
    • Clipping Planes with 3D results visualization for solid elements.

Click here to learn about What’s New in CAEfatigue 2023.1.

MaterialCenter 2023.2

MaterialCenter 2023.2 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Click here to learn about What’s New in MaterialCenter 2023.2.

ODYSSEE 2023.2

ODYSSEE A-Eye 2023.2 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Click here to learn about What’s New in ODYSSEE A-Eye 2023.2.

Some main highlights of this release include:

  • A new window named “Methods analysis & Settings” has been added to help the user to find the best interpolator and the most useful extracted features. 
  • STL files can now be used as input.

ODYSSEE CAE 2023.2 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Click here to learn about What’s New in ODYSSEE CAE 2023.2.

Some main highlights of this release include:

  • In the sensitivity tab, a heatmap is available to analyze the parameters effects on multiple datasets at the same time. 
  • The new UI for data management allows: 
    • To extract manually or randomly validation cases from learning datasets. 
    • To split one dataset in multiple datasets  
    • To remove some cases or parameters from the analysis 
    • To visualize a scatter plot of X-Xn data and autocorrelation between parameters 

ODYSSEE Solver 2023.2 is now available at the Software Download Center.

Click here to learn about What’s New in ODYSSEE Solver 2023.2.

Some main highlights of this release include:

  • Quasar-Python wrapper usage has been extended to QuasarNeuralNetwork library in addition to QuasarExternal that was already available. 
  • Possibility to use learning rate policies in MINN (standard, step or plateau)
SIMTEQ Engineering Webinar
Contact and Everything That you Need to Know About it
7 October 2022
11:30 - 12:30

Contact and Everything
That you Need to Know About it

MSC Software Webinars

Cradle CFD Webinar Series

Unleashing Productivity with smart CFD software
Unleashing Productivity with smart CFD software

Unleashing Productivity with smart CFD software

More Information & Registration

Name: Going the extra mile: Multiphysics and co-simulations with Hexagon

Date and Time: 4 October 2022 10:00-11:00


Name: Get CFD results in real-time and leverage it to systems of system analysis by using Machine Learning Technics

Date and Time: 11 October 2022 10:00-11:00


Name: Using AR to increase immersive knowledge

Date and Time: 18 October 2022 10:00-11:00

MSC Apex Tip

Geometry creation and CAD clean-up tools

Did you know? The geometry creation and CAD clean-up tools in MSC Apex are multi-purpose. You can use the offset split tool on solids and surfaces and therefore use it to quickly define weld areas to easily apply different material properties to, for structural and fatigue analyses.

NAS120 - Linear Statics, Normal Modes and Buckling using MSC Nastran and Patran

Software Package: MSC Nastran & Patran

Price: R 18 300.00/p excl VAT (A 25% discount applies if attendance is online)

Date: 04 - 08 Sept 2023

Duration: 5 Days

CPD Accredited: Yes

More Information

STU701 - Structural Mechanics

Price: R 7 320.00/p excl VAT (A 25% discount applies if attendance is online)

Date: 12 - 13 Sept 2023

Duration: 2 Days

CPD Accredited: Yes

More Information

CRA251, 301 - Introduction to scFlow and scStream

Software Package: Cradle CFD

Price: R 10 980.00/p excl VAT (A 25% discount applies if attendance is online)

Date: 19 - 21 Sept 2023

Duration: 3 Days

More Information

FEA101 - Finite Element Analysis Fundamentals

Software Package: MSC Apex

Price: R 18 300.00/p excl VAT (A 25% discount applies if attendance is online)

Date: 02 - 06 Oct 2023

Duration: 5 Days

CPD Accredited: Yes

More Information
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