Simulation and Analysis

Simulation and analysis is the key to successful product development to ensure the risk of failure and the impact on the environment is minimized.

At SIMTEQ Engineering we have a passion for technology and are therefore constantly on the lookout for new technology to speed up and simplify the design of "fit for service" products that we can bring to our clients to make them successful in developing their products.

SIMTEQ Engineering has been in the simulation and analysis business since 1993 when we introduced MSC Nastran from MSC Software to the South African market. Since then we have grown our portfolio of products and expertise to suit the market needs and introduced new technology to our customers to help ensure their success in creating world first products.

The key focus areas of product development today are:

  • Meet functional requirements
  • Reduce development costs
  • Reduce manufacturing costs
  • Minimize the number of prototypes
  • Quantify the risk of failure (execute durability studies)
  • Design for a finite life (optimize the fatigue life)
  • Minimize the impact on the environment and
  • Optimize the material usage (i.e. minimize the required material but meet functional requirements

Available technologies to meet these objectives are Multi Body Dynamics (MBD) with products such as Adams and the VI-Grade products, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) with MSC Nastran, Marc and Dytran, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with scFlow and scStream and Controls (S&C) with Easy5.
In order to simultaneously meet these requirements, a multi discipline approach has to be followed with products such as SimXpert which brings the power of Adams, MSC Nastran, Marc, Dytran, Easy5 and CFD together in one package.

It has also further developed to the point where the actual operating environment of the part or system can be included to obtain realistic input loads and load combinations for structural analyses and fatigue life prediction such as with SimXpert Motion, Adams, Adams Car and the VI-Grade products (such as VI-Rail etc.)

To survive in this era of multi discipline simulation, a special skill set is required and through our passion, we at SIMTEQ Engineering can help you develop the required skills through product training, discipline training, knowledge transfer projects, on-site mentoring and our internship program.

Talk to us today to align the best available technology to your development need.


Knowledge is power!

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Don't ever risk your career by using cracked software!

I only used it for my studies, I only wanted to evaluate the software, I didn't use if for commercial purposes, I only installed it, but never used it... Unfortunately, no reason holds up in court for the possession of stolen goods.

The full commercial purchase price of the software (for everything you had access to, whether or not it was even used!) 

Students (under- or post-graduate) also has no recourse since they can get access to free legal student versions, or the full commercial versions through their respective universities.
If you wish to evaluate any software or module that you do not have access to, please contact us, we will gladly arrange for evaluation licenses, even emergency licenses. 

There is just no reason to access illegal software.
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