Simulating Welds and Welding Procedures

Simufact Welding is used very effectively today to eliminate costly welding experiments and prototyping of all welded structures to avoid scrap and re-work on welded structures due to distortions, as well as to determine residual stresses for use in structural and fatigue analyses.

Image: Case study of TekniCAE:

Simufact welding can also be used in conjunction with Simufact Additive, Simufact Forming and Marc to simulate the complete manufacturing process of parts, including applying structural loads thereafter for structural and fatigue purposes.

Simufact welding is used to simulate the actual welding procedure and predicts the expected distortion and residual stresses of the cooled down part.

Various levels of accuracy versus speed solving options are available to deal with extremely large structures (such as ships) versus very sensitive structures (such as automotive suspension parts) to strike a balance between accurate and available results.

Users of Simufact requires no FE (Finite Element) experience. It was developed to be used by welding technicians and specialists and only knowledge of the procedures and processes are required to use Simufact Welding.

Apart from the welding sequences, the clamping and support strategies are also modelled and accounted for to provide the user with the best possible prediction of expected distortion and residual stresses due to these constraints and boundary conditions.

Welding processes supported in Simufact Welding are:

  • Arc welding
  • Laser beam welding
  • Resistance spot welding
  • Brazing
  • Electron beam welding &
  • Stress relief heat treatment

For more information: Simufact Welding

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