This blog article was written by: Andrew Brendt
A previous blog article, titled Why Simulate When Developing Mine Protected Vehicles, provided motivation for using simulation in the development of mine protected vehicles. This article will now discuss an approach that is routinely adopted to perform these simulations.
Mine blast events are highly dynamic (high frequency content) and non-linear. In addition they involve FSI (Fluid Structure Interaction). The mathematical model that is constructed to perform the analysis must adequately account for these factors. The problem is both time and space dependent, thus necessitating the application of numerical methods to both domains.
Spatial Solution
There are two spatial discretisation techniques used when performing a mine blast analyses:
The two domains are then coupled to ensure FSI. The coupling algorithm allows finite element entities to act as a boundary to the flow of material within the finite volume domain, and conversely, that material in the finite volume domain exerts loads on the finite elements.
This solution approach, as adopted by Dytran, is illustrated in Figure 1.
Temporal Solution
There are two primary direct time integration techniques that can be used, namely implicit and explicit methods.
Given the nature of mine blast events, explicit time integration is a good fit. It, essentially inherently, provides the necessary resolution at a reasonable computational cost. Although implicit time integration could legitimately be used, the computational cost would be significantly higher.
In summary, a commonly used and effective approach to performing mine blast analysis is to employ explicit time integration to solve the problem in time and coupled finite element and finite volume methods to solve the problem in space.
In the next blog article titled Important Aspects of Mine Blast Analysis, things that can be easy to overlook when using the approach discussed above will be outlined.
This blog article was written by: Andrew Brendt